Tuesday, November 3, 2015

A Glimpse of the Sr. Sto Nino Statue built in the sea nearby mangroves

This day is again another day for me to remember!
A simple celebration with your friends in a place you find so unique and nice (for me) is already a big moment to remember till I grow old. And this one is great, where me and two of my friends took a "bangka" ride to Mahayahay Islet Resort at Maasin City just to see this amazing statue of the Sr. Sto Nino being built in the sea nearby the mangroves. It was indeed amazing, I have never thought of seeing one like this in here! :)

Well, for people like me who can't afford to go to such places where you need to pay for expensive entrances, cottages and more , a kind of place like this is already considered as one of the best :) It might be just simple but it's indeed a great place to relax or swim with your friends when celebration any occasion or just having fun with each other. :)

I'll visit this place again soon, because I'm not done with it yet!

I still want to make plenty of memories in this place and that would be soon... :)